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11 Jul 2013

Exploding Samsung Galaxy phone leaves teenager with burns

18 years Fanny Schlatter from Swiss suffered bums when her Samsung Galaxy S3 exploded in her trouser pocket.

Ms Schlatter was working as an painting apprentice when she heard an explosion, then noticed a strange chemical smell and her work trousers began to catch fire.

She claims to have been left with no feeling in her right thigh and said she will be launching a criminal complaint against Samsung.

The Swiss teenager has been signed off work until 15 August.  

5 Ways To Slow Down Aging And Look Young All The Time

The process of aging is natural and it isn’t something you can stop from happening. As you age, your skin starts to lose its moistness and become more prone to damage. However, there are many natural ways available to slow down the aging process and look young. Here’s 5:
Drink Plenty of Water
Human body is made up of 60% water and day-to-day routines deplete this valuable resource which needs to be replenished. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water every day – more is obviously better.

Video: Naked Woman Distracts Neighbor in his pool While Her Husband Robs His House

For men who can’t control themselves when a woman approach for something, be caution and think twice, something might be going down.

The event took place on Saturday in Crossville when a couple who are neighbor to Stephen Amaral stopped by his house, with the wife asking if she could swim. When Amaral said she could, the woman sent her husband to get her cigarettes and then asked Amaral if he would be bothered if she swam in the nude.