Couple Commits Suícide Together, Signs Note as Romeo and Juliet ~ Uchenna Udekwe Blog Get our toolbar!

17 Apr 2013

Couple Commits Suícide Together, Signs Note as Romeo and Juliet

A couple in Whyke Marsh, Chichester decided to emulate William Shakespeare’s world-famous “Romeo and Juliet” tale and take their own lives. In a text message sent to a mental health employee the night before they carried out the act, Christopher Stonehouse texted: “Alphira and I have chosen to end our lives. We have suffered for too long and cannot bear it any longer. Our backdoor and gate are unlocked.”

Alphira, 27, and Christopher, 44, were found on November 8, 2012.  Det. Sergeant Sally Arbuckle came into the home and found a note that read: ”Unless you are the emergency services, do not enter. Alphira and Chris, aka Romeo and Juliet.” Det.
Arbuckle also informed investigators that “Romeo and Juliet” was playing on a television and a passage from the Shakespearean tragedy was highlighted. Alphira Stonehouse’s mother is challenging the mental health employee, Damian Walsh, on why he missed phone calls and a text message from Christopher Stonehouse that could’ve saved the couple’s life. Walsh told investigators he did not see the messages until 9 am the following morning when he was scheduled to see Christopher Stonehouse.

Walsh said upon reading the messages, he first tried to call Christopher Stonehouse but it diverted to voicemail. He then sent him a text message but again failed to get a reply. Police were eventually alerted and the couple, who married in 2005 and had been in regular contact with mental health professionals, were found dεad in their two-bedroom home. An autopsy confirmed that Alphira Stonehouse díed from fatal toxicity of drugs. She was her husband’s full time care.

Source: Idatedaily


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