Burglars return stolen computers with apology letter ~ Uchenna Udekwe Blog Get our toolbar!

8 Aug 2013

Burglars return stolen computers with apology letter

 Burglars return computers with apology letter after realizing they had stolen from charity which helps sexual violence victims

The Burglars had no choice but to return the stolen computers with apology letter after realizing they had stolen from charity which helps sexual violence victims

The non-profit organization, which counsels those who are victims of violent sexual attacks, was hit by burglars on July 31 in San Bernardino County, California.  

The burglars dropped into the building from the roof and stole the laptops and other computer equipment.

The director of San Bernardino County Sexual Assault Services Candy Stallings was called to the scene at 4am. 

The following night she was called out again by police. Surprisingly, all the charity's computer equipment had been returned at the organization's door  with an apology note attached which reads:

'We had no idea what we were takeing [sic]. Here your stuff back we hope that you guys can continue to make a difference in peoples live. God bless.'

Stallings said:
'We were all pretty shocked. You've got to be kidding me. I was in disbelief, I got chills, I got very emotional.'

Stallings said she plans to frame a copy of the note.


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