Airlines dump what was believed to be human waste on family property ~ Uchenna Udekwe Blog Get our toolbar!

30 Jun 2013

Airlines dump what was believed to be human waste on family property

Two families with properties in Ontario, Canada, expressing their anger publicly after airlines drop their feces on their properties. They said that they are convinced that feces from passing airplanes on their way to or from Toronto Pearson Airport fell on their properties, but aviation authorities denied the allegations.

The Sullivan family of Mississauga said their lawn and three cars were splattered with what appeared to be feces dropped from a plane on Wednesday.

"It covered the top of my mother's car, dripping down the side, sprinkled on my car and my father’s car," Lindsay Sullivan said.
"It smelled very bad," George Sullivan said. "It smelled like feces," he added.

"There's no way a bird could have done this, unless it was a pterodactyl," he said. "It came from an airplane," he added.

A similar incident took place in the backyard of another family in Mississauga last week. Both families said they blame the airlines for the incidents.

Authorities are still analyzing samples from the Wednesday incident.


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