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26 May 2014

What does the future holds? Video: Five-year-old Casanova with 3 girlfriends reveals his romantic dilemma

The clip was posted in YouTube few days ago, where it racked up nearly two million views in just three days

while some guys worry and to some extent commit suicide over not being attracted by lady, the five-year-old is stressed because he has too many girlfriends.

Inspiration: Female bodybuilder with NO ARMS lift weights, lives normally, except she does everything with her FEET

Barbie Thomas lost both her arms when she was two years old in an electrical accident, but that hasn't stopped her from living and pursuing her body building dream.

The inspiring America body builder said she can do anything an average person can do except she uses her feet. That includes brushing her teeth, taking her bath, dressing, making dinner, taking milk out of the fridge, texting, shopping, putting on makeup and even driving, name it.

Barbie was given an emotional standing ovation by competitors and spectators at the NPC Junior USA Bodybuilding Championship, South Carolina.

World Health Assembly (WHA) Okays use of traditional medicine

Report has it that:
• N5.15b fake drugs seized in global crackdown
• India, China top global sources of counterfeit medicines

A RESOLUTION for a better integration of the use of traditional medicine was among the proposals adopted as the 67th World Health Assembly (WHA) closed at the weekend.  

According to a press statement by the WHO, traditional medicine covers a wide variety of therapies and practices, which varies from country to country and region to region.

The statement reads: “The strategy aims to build the knowledge base for national policies and strengthen quality assurance, safety, proper use and effectiveness of traditional and complementary medicine through regulation. It also aims to promote universal health coverage by integrating traditional and complementary medicine services into health care service delivery and home care.”

Can giving up face cream IMPROVE your looks?

Having a perfect skin is the dream of every woman. Some women don’t mind spending their last cent just to keep the looks stunning. Understanding your skin and applying some beauty tricks – like massaging skin to prevent wrinkles – will actually save you some cent on cosmetics.

Mary Berry, 79, has near perfect skin; but she doesn't use any face creams