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15 Jun 2014

Use Your Pain As Motivational Strength: Bounce Back To A Better You

We try to have positive moments all the time, but it doesn’t always happen that way. We often define broken hearts, crushed dreams and other obstacles as setbacks and nothing more.

In reality, though, these so-called challenges actually help us reconsider our current life path, and if we let them, may help us make life changes for the better.

But what about those tough, gut-wrenching situations you that you find little or no joy in? 

Another reason why you shouldn't kiss your pet

Many pet owners think there is nothing wrong giving their pet a kiss. Little do they know, pet could pass antibiotic resistant infections to human, scientists warn.

Scientists are to investigate whether pets can transmit antibiotic resistant infections to humans.

The research will be led by Professor Nigel French at Massey University, in New Zealand, who believes the increasing use of antibiotics in animals may be contributing to the global issue of antimicrobial resistance.