The new BlackBerry Z10 smartphone can share with friends and family what you're watching on the web, but it could potentially unmask embarrassing videos you want no one to know about, including porn.
A report that circulated the web earlier this week noted the Z10's deeper integration with BlackBerry Messenger allows those in your contacts to see which songs and videos you're playing.
According to a screenshot posted to
the Crackberry forum,
contacts can see updates such as "listening to"

"The 'update your status' feature is off by default, so users would need to choose to turn this on," a spokesperson told Mashable. "Also, users are not sharing content to other users, they are only sharing the title of what is being played."
Because the media player streams audio, video and flash from the browser, whatever is played via the platform can be shared with BBM contacts. However, you have to choose to enable this functionality. The key takeaway: If you opt in, be careful.
To make sure the feature if off, visit the settings app and "show what I'm listening to" should be disabled.
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