It became known that AMD has
recently won quite an unusual legal battle involving a number of AMD defectors
who left the company and were lured to its largest comtetitor –Nvidia.The company won a court order
which banned its ex-employees from revealing trade secrets or soliciting their
ex-colleagues to change sides and join Nvidia. The ex-workers were accused of
borrowing sensitive company papers when they left the company and headed over
the Nvidia.
AMD’s ex-employees allegedly transferred over 100,000 files pertaining to AMD’s
GPU business before they departed. The company also claims that the employees
made attempts to recruit their co-workers to leave AMD as well. So, US District
Judge Timothy Hillman ruled that the company could win the lawsuit it launched
this past January. The judge described AMD’s circumstantial evidence as
compelling. This justified AMD’s request for a preliminary injunction. The
judge pointed out that AMD’s ex-employees all made copies of confidential
company’s information before leaving their jobs. They retained that data and
immediately started working at a significant competitor. Everything shows that
AMD really has a reasonable likelihood of success on the merits with regard to
the company’s claims for misappropriation of trade secrets.
Despite the fact that the seditious ex-workers joined Nvidia, considered by
many as AMD’s largest competitor, AMD isn’t suing Nvidia at the moment. But it
might later – it depends on whether its ex-workers comply with the court order
or not.
By Sam
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